Street School serves students in grades 9-12 as a non-profit agency through a partnership with Tulsa Public Schools. Street School’s goal is to help students, not only graduate, but to also prepare them for college/technical school and/or the workforce.
The World as Our Classroom approach provides students the opportunity to learn through real life experiences and reinforces classroom learning. Field trips, wilderness adventures, internships, and community service learning outreach programs are ongoing for the entire school year. Through these experiences, students gain knowledge and develop skills in team building, communication, and leadership while learning about their world.
Therapeutic Counseling
Academics can quickly become secondary due to a variety of circumstances. Counseling is a critical part of the Street School program and each student is assigned a counselor that is a licensed professional. Students meet weekly with their assigned counselor for therapy and connections to essential community resources, college applications and opportunities beyond high school.

Join us in transforming lives.
Our team of dedicated staff provide the encouragement and support needed for student success.
Board of Directors
Community volunteers who provide invaluable oversight and expertise to support Street School’s mission.